The Desolator

Free MP3, Ogg, WMA, FLAC, WAV and Midi player (freeware)
by Spacejock Software
Runs on all versions of Windows, 32- or 64- bit and Wine on Linux & Mac

AboutScreenshotsReviewsCurrent VersionDownloadyPlay2

yPlay full screen

The yPlay main screen (file list showing, playlist hidden.)

yPlay full screen

yPlay - Full interface with file list (filtered to a particular artist) and playlist.

yPlay minimised screen

yPlay's minimal interface. You can drag this anywhere on the screen.

yPlay settings screen

yPlay - Settings.

yPlay bookmarks screen

yPlay - Infinite bookmarks per file. Can you say MP3 audiobooks?

yPlay includes several 'skins', and you can create your own:

yPlay skin

yPlay skin

yPlay skin

yPlay skin